Rule 1: How will you know that you would gain wealth from a particular relative? Simple, firstly 2nd lord should be strong enough, Secondly, 2nd lord should establish powerful linkage with:
- 3rd lord in an auspicious house (to gain wealth through brother or friends),
- 4th lord in an auspicious house (to gain wealth through through mother),
- 5th lord in an auspicious house (through children),
- 6th lord in an auspicious house (through enemies),
- 7th lord in an auspicious house (through spouse),
- 9th lord in an auspicious house (through father)
Rule 2: Strength of an EXALTED planet (UCHCH bal) = Strength of a planet in 1st house (KENDRA Bal) = Strength of planet having directional strength (DIG bal) = Strength of planet having HORA bal = 1 RUPA or 60 VIRUPAS. Hence even if a planet is placed in a 1st house or have dig bal or have hora bal, it has the strength equivalent to an exalted planet which is 1 RUPA.
Rule 3: When Moon has complete Paksha Bal (at the time of Full Moon and New Moon), it is actually DOUBLE EXALTED as such Moon gets 2 RUPA of strength, an exalted planet has only 1 RUPA of strength.
Rule 4: 1st house is the most powerful Kendra. The strength of the planets occupying the 4 Kendras (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) has been distinguished by the astrologers in the following manner; It is ¼th i.e. 25% in the 4th house; ½ or 50% in the 10th, ¾ or 75% in the 7th and full or 100% in the 1st or Lagna, thus increasing it by ¼ or 25% in each stage. Another reason being that 1st house is also a trikona.
Rule 5: You may be having very powerful planets in your chart, but that power is of NO USE, if the Mahadasha of that planet, do not come in the peak time (16 to 50 years of age) of your life.
Rule 6: Mahadasha of any planet have antardashas of 9 planets [8 Different planets + 1 antardasha of the same planet]. In other words, if you really want Mahadasha of any planet, to give you completely auspicious results, then you inevitably need the support of 8 other planets, since those 8 planets will also come in the antardashas. Crux of the matter is, if out of 9 planets 8 or 7 planets are very weak in your birth chart after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors, THEN EVEN 1 or 2 STRONG PLANET’s (In Isolation) cannot give you auspicious results in its Mahadasha. Understanding of this rule requires nothing more than a common sense.
Rule 7: Planet that occupies 3 continuous houses on either side with respect to any planet are considered to be his temporary friends. Rest are temporary enemies. For example if a planet is placed in the 1st house, then planets present in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 12th and 11th houses will become its temporary friends. Please note that the concept of temporary friends is different from the concept of permanent friendship or natural friends. (Like Saturn and Venus are natural friends or Jupiter and Mars are natural friends)
Rule 8: The native lives for 108 years, if the 8th House is not occupied, while Ascendant is free from malefic residence and Jupiter is in an Angle. A span of over 108 years is granted, if Jupiter and Venus are in an Angle, while there are no malefics in Trines and the 8th. Predict 120 years of life, if Venus is in the Ascendant, Jupiter is in an Angle other than the Ascendant and the 8th House is not occupied by malefics.
Rule 9: If Jupiter is in Cancer Ascendant along with Venus, or the Moon, while Angles, Trines and the 8th House are not occupied by malefics, one’s longevity is comparable to that of Gods.
Rule 10: The person will live for MORE THAN 120 Years, if only Jupiter, Moon are placed in the Cancer ascendant, only Venus, Mercury are placed in other Kendras, trines are free from malefics and 8th house is unoccupied.
Note Rules 7, 8 and 9 can be understood in a nutshell like this: If no malefic planets occupy 4 quadrants (i.e. 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses), 5th, 9th and 8th houses, 8th house is unoccupied, Jupiter and Venus are in quadrants especially in the 1st house (preferably exalted or in own sign or in Mooltrikona sign) then Native will be free from diseases and will live for as many years as he/she wants or native will have a boon of “Ichamrityu”. (Note, all these planetary house placements should be taken as per the cusp chart). You May study the birth chart or Shri Ganga Putra Bhishma as an example who lived for 162 years during the times of Mahabharatha. His birth details are given in this article of mine, just click on this link.
Rule 11: Venus gives much better result when its ahead of Sun, greater the degree gap between Sun and Venus, the better it is for both Sun and Venus
Rule 12: The lord of the 1st house in close conjunction with the Sun and Venus will make the native BLIND from his very birth. Similarly, if the lords of the house signifying the father or the brother or the mother or the son or the wife of the native are in close conjunction with the Sun and Venus, an intelligent astrologer should predict blindness to the respective relative concerned with the native. (Here overall auspiciousness status of Sun, Venus and the house lord must be checked before declaring the result).
Rule 13: The child will die at birth itself if all the benefics occupy 6th, 8th and 12th house and all the malefics occupy the Kendra or Trikona and Sun is in the lagan. (as per the cusp chart)
Rule 14: A person would be a gay, if these 3 conditions gets satisfied simultaneously:
- 11th house has only a benefic planet as per the cusp chart
- 11th lord is a benefic as per the cusp chart.
- 11th lord occupies the 1st house as per the cusp chart.
Rule 15: People (especially males) having high degree of malefic influences on the 1st house (seen for head), 1st lord, Karaka of 1st house i.e. Sun and Ketu (karaka for hair); will get BALD very early in life.
Rule 16: Whenever Ketu is placed close to any planet, it will always give native a great understanding about the parameters as well as actual purpose of that planet. Hence Ketu helps in enhancing the qualities of that planet.
Rule 17: 1st house is our own self and the reflection of your own self in the eyes of the world is our reputation. 7th house is the reflection of the 1st house. 7th house also represents our spouse who makes us complete. If the 1st house is lord Shiva who can destroy the world, then 7th house is the Maa Parvati or Maa Shakti, who represents the power or energy through which the world can be destroyed. If the 1st house is lord Vishnu who sustains the world, 7th house is the Maa Laxmi who represents the wealth and prosperity through which the world is sustained. If the 1st house is lord Brahma who creates the world, 7th house is Maa Saraswati who represents the knowledge through which the world is created. 7th house represent our CHARACTER. If someone has a great character, he or she will surely have GREAT STRENGTH (Maa Parvati), WEALTH (All forms of Maa Laxmi, not limited to dhan laxmi) and KNOWLEDGE (Maa Sarawati) at his/her disposal.
Rule 18: The Sun and Venus are termed father and mother respectively of the child born in the day; Saturn and the Moon, during the night. Failing to play the role of parents, each of these pairs of planets gets the designation of paternal uncle and maternal aunt.
Rule 19: The person will KILL HIS PARENTS, If Moon occupies the 6th house (as per the cusp chart), Mars is present in the 7th house (as per the cusp chart) and Sun is present in the 1st or 12th house (as per the cusp chart) and other planets are also weak in the chart.
Rule 20: The person will kill a brahmin or a saintly person, if Sun, Mars and Saturn are in a conjunction. If these 3 planets together are placed in Libra or Leo or Aquarius signs then the person will kill MANY brahmins in his life. Further, If these 3 planets occupy the 1st house as per the cusp chart in Libra or Leo or Aquarius signs OR Moon also join them in Libra or Leo or Aquarius signs then the person will KILL MANY BRAHMINS and MANY COWS in his life time.
Rule 21: The person will suffer Decapitation (TO CUT OFF HEAD), If Sun and Mars are placed in the 8th house as per the cusp chart. If Rahu and Moon also joins Sun and Mars in the 8th house as per the cusp chart, then the person’s hands and feet will also be amputated (TO CUT OFF HANDS AND FEET).
Rule 22: The person will have a problem in his legs because of which he/she may take the support of a stick to walk, If 1st lord along with a strong malefic is placed in the 12th house as per the cusp chart.
Rule 23: A king is born, if any 3 out of Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mars and Moon are exalted or are in their mooltrikona or own sign, simultaneously occupying the Kendras/quadrants. Secondly, one of them should occupy the 1st house.
Rule 24: The person would emit BAD SMELL if :
Venus is present in the sign of Saturn.
6th lord (as per the cusp chart) occupies the sign of Mercury or Capricorn.
Moon occupies Aries sign in the 1st house.
Rule 25: The person would be a fraud or dishonest, if:
2 of more than 2 malefics occupy the 4th house as per the cusp chart.
4th house is hemmed between malefics without any benefic influence.
4th or 9th lord or both occupies the 6th house as per the cusp chart.
8th or 10th lord or both occupies the 4th house as per the cusp chart.
Rule 26: The person will become one of the best Astrologer in the entire world, if these 4 conditions gets simultaneously satisfied:
Powerful Jupiter is influencing the 2nd house, after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors.
2nd lord (as per the cusp chart) is very strong after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors.
1st lord establishes strong link with the 2nd house or 2nd lord or Jupiter or all 3 of them.
Kendras and Trikonas are occupied by benefics and are free from the presence of malefics.
Rule 27: Wife of a person will die through DELIVERY or ABORTION, if 5th lord (as per the cusp chart) is placed in the 7th house (as per the cusp chart) and 7th lord conjoins only malefic with no benefic influences and Venus is weak after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors.
Rule 28: Person’s WIFE will face a FIRE ACCIDENT, If 4th house and 8th house FROM VENUS (as per the cusp chart), is having malefic influence, without any benefic influence. In case the malefic influence is very serious and Venus is weak from the angle of all shad bal and non shad bal factors, then his wife can even DIE because of this accident.
Rule 29: Simultaneous impact of Sun, Saturn and Mars on Moon, makes the person STUPID.
Rule 30: Jupiter in the 5th house ‘alone’ as per the cusp chart, lead to MEMORY LOSS.
Rule 31: The native will own a MANSION, if (Moon and Venus) or (an exalted planet) or (a very powerful planet) occupies 4th house reckoned from Navamsa occupied by the Atmakaraka (Use cusp chart).
Rule 32: The first child will be a MALE, if:
- The 1st lord is in the 1st or 2nd house (as per the cusp chart), under the influence of ONLY male planet.
- 5th lord is a male planet (Like Jupiter, Sun, Mars), occupying male sign (i.e. odd sign) and male Amsa.
- The Moon, Mars and Venus are present in the dual signs.
Rule 33: The person will die through HORNED ANIMALS with CLAWS or ANIMALS that BITE with their TEETH, if Rahu and Mars together are placed in the 8th house as per the cusp chart.
Rule 34: The person would be PENNILESS or BANKRUPT or will be WITHOUT any WEALTH, if:
Both 2nd and 11th lord (as per the cusp chart) conjoins malefics with no benefic influence.
Lagan lord is placed in the 6th or 8th house and these lords of 6th or 8th house are placed in the 1st house, along with 2nd or 7th lords. (Use cusp chart for house lordship and house placement)
Sun in Debilitation occupies a quadrant or trine conjoins malefic with no benefic influence and Mars in the 8th house (Use cusp chart for house lordship and house placement)
If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 2nd house is in conjunction with a malefic, occupies a Dusht Sthana and be in a malefic Sashtyamsa.
If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 11th house is in conjunction with a malefic, occupies a Dusht Sthana and be in a malefic Sashtyamsa.
Rule 35: Person’s death will be caused through a LION, if:
Sun, Moon together occupies 6th or 8th houses as per the cusp chart.
Mars is in the 4th house, Saturn the 10th house as per the cusp chart.
Rule 36: The person will earn his/her livelihood through a renowned business, if Saturn gets placed in the Navamsa of the Atmakaraka. Overall auspiciousness status of the Saturn will decide the level of fame and wealth which the native will get from the business.
Rule 37: The person will suffer a lot of humiliation, if 10th lord or 10th house or both are highly afflicted because of malefics or 10th lord gets placed in a malefic Varga or in malefic Shashtyamsa or all of these.
Rule 38: The person will die through POISON, if Moon, Mercury are together placed in the 6th or 8th house as per the cusp chart. Alternatively, Sun and Mercury are together in the 8th house as per the cusp chart (here apart from the poison, the native can also die through Fire).
Rule 39: The person would face a FATAL ACCIDENT in which his TEETH and SPINAL CORD would be seriously hurt, if Mars conjoins Rahu and Saturn in 6th or 8th house as per the cusp chart.
Rule 40: Neechbhang Raj Yoga formed by SUN gives the MOST POWERFUL result as compared to NBRY given by any other planet.
Rule 41: No Raj yoga can achieve its full potential unless there is a support of the most powerful planet i.e. Saturn.
Rule 42: The husband of a female will be IMPOTENT, if weak (after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors) Saturn and Mercury together occupy the 7th house as per the cusp chart, without any benefic influence.
Rule 43: The person would be IMPRISONED, if 2nd, 12th, 5th and 9th houses (as per the cusp chart), have only malefic influences.
Rule 44: No Raj Yoga will work or all the Raj yogas in the chart will become Futile, if any three or more than three out of Sun, Moon, Lagan, Venus, Jupiter, 9th lord, 10th lord and 11th lord are extremely weak in the chart after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors.
Rule 45: The NOSE of the person will be CUT OFF, if Venus occupies the 6th house as per the cusp chart and Mars is there in the 1st house as per the cusp chart. (Note both these planets should be very weak and afflicted).
Rule 46: The native and his wife, would be ADULTEROUS, If Moon, Saturn and Mars gets closely conjoined in the 7th house as per the cusp chart.
Rule 47: The person will have an INJURY in the UPPER PART of LEG. If Full Moon and Mars occupies the 6th house as per the cusp chart or Saturn, Moon, Mars occupy the 12th house as per the cusp chart.
Rule 48: The person will suffer from a serious disease of TESTICLES, If Venus and Mars are in conjunction in the sign of Mars and in the 8th house as per the cusp chart.
Rule 49: The person will become a very powerful JUDGE in the TOP court or Supreme Court, if Jupiter or Venus in their Exaltation or Mooltrikona or Swarashi occupies a Quadrant as per the cusp chart, Jupiter or Venus (whichever applicable in the 1st condition) should also occupy varga of Mercury in the D-9 chart. Secondly, lord of the 9th house as per the cusp chart, should be strong enough after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors. This 9th lord should also conjunct a benefic.
Rule 50: The person will get LUCKY AFTER MARRIAGE, if Venus as well as 7th lord (as per the cusp chart) occupies 3rd or 6th or 7th or 10th or 11th house as per the cusp chart. However here 7th lord and Venus should be strong enough after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors.
Rule 51: In general, conjunction of Jupiter, Venus is considered more auspicious as compared to the conjunction of Venus, Mercury and conjunction of Jupiter, Mercury.
Rule 52: Simultaneous placement of both Jupiter and Venus in a house as per the cusp chart is the MOST AUSPICIOUS thing which can happen for that house. Obviously both these planets should be auspicious from the angle of shad bal and non shad bal factors.
Rule 53: If you think that the SIGN occupation of a planet is more important than its HOUSE occupation, then you DO NOT even know the BASICS of ASTROLOGY.
Rule 54: RAJ YOGA or Ruling combination CANNOT give you wealth, fame, power if the planets forming that Raj Yoga are inauspicious after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors.
Rule 55: If you are in a HABIT of assuming any planet strong or auspicious just by seeing it EXALTED or in its OWN SIGN. Then you DO NOT even know the BASICS of ASTROLOGY.
Rule 56: All the planets has an ability to give you GAINS in the 11th house (as per the cusp chart) but Sun and Saturn are most powerful here. Further Saturn gives the best results here.
Rule 57: Conjunction of Rahu Mars or Rahu Saturn or Rahu Sun or Saturn Mars, ALWAYS harms the house in which this conjunction takes place as per the cusp chart. When together, these planets also negatively affect the result of each other.
Rule 58: Sun and Saturn in the 4th house from Moon (as per the cusp chart) always gives struggle to the native even when they are strong.
Rule 59: Mars in the 3rd house ALONE as per the cusp chart reduces the longevity of the brother, Venus in the 7th house ALONE as per the cusp chart reduces the longevity of the wife, Jupiter in the 5th house ALONE as per the cusp chart reduces the longevity of the son.
Rule 60: The child will be born off ADULTERY if these 4 conditions are satisfied simultaneously:
- Jupiter should not influence (through aspect or conjunction or exchange) Sun, Moon and 1st house.
- Moon is under the simultaneous influence of Mars, Rahu, Saturn or any 2 of them.
- Birth is on Amavasya.
- Venus is linked (through aspect or conjunction or exchange) to Mars in D-9 chart
Rule 61: Presence of a planet in a house (as per the cusp chart) is MUCH MORE POWERFUL than its aspect on the same house (as per the cusp chart).
Rule 62: Whenever Sun is present in the quadrants (as per the cusp chart), it gives the BEST result WHEN CONJOINED or associated WITH JUPITER and GOOD results WHEN CONJOINED or associated WITH MERCURY. In all other cases, i.e. Sun’s conjunction or association with any other planet in the quadrants is bound to give many bad results.
Rule 63: Whenever Mars is present in the quadrants (as per the cusp chart), it gives the BEST result WHEN CONJOINED or associated WITH JUPITER and GOOD results WHEN CONJOINED or associated WITH MOON. In all other cases, i.e. Mars’s conjunction or association with any other planet in the quadrants is bound to give many bad results.
Rule 64: Sun and Mars are strong in the first 10 degrees of the sign, Venus and Jupiter in the middle 10 degrees of the sign. Saturn and Moon in the end 10 degrees of the Sign and Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are always strong.
Rule 65: Person will become a master of many languages in his life, if there is a Powerful impact of Mars on the 5th cusp, Saturn on the 11th cusp and Jupiter on the 1st cusp.
Rule 66: If the lord and the karaka of a bhava are strong and occupy favorable houses, then the indications of the bhava will be fully experienced. On the contrary if they are weak and occupy the 6th, 8th or 12th, the results of the concerned bhava would be negative.
Rule 67: If the lord and karaka of a bhava (house) are strong but occupy an unfavorable position (Cusp house placement), then though the effects of the bhava will be seen but the native will not be able to enjoy them. On the other hand if the lords and karaka are weak but they occupy favorable positions like Kendra, trikond etc then the effect will be experienced by the native, however little it may be.
Rule 68: When the lord of the 8th from a certain bhava or Saturn transits the bhava in question AND simultaneously WHEN the Dasha of bhukti of the lord of 6th,8th or 12th Operates, the results of the bhava concerned will be negative. Similarly diseases in the various parts of the body as signified by the bhava concerned can also be predicted.
Rule 69: The native will make FORTUNE in his OWN COUNTRY, if fixed sign (2, 5, 8, 11 signs) is there in the 1st house along with the 1st lord and under the aspect of a planet positioned in a fixed sign.
Rule 70: The person would be HAPPY THROUGHOUT his life (till the time he or she is alive), in case the following four conditions are simultaneously satisfied:
1) The lord of Lagan is very strong after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors.
2) Jupiter is present in the quadrants especially the 1st house, stronger the Jupiter, the better it is. (after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors)
3) Venus is present in the quadrants especially the 1st house, stronger the Venus, the better it is. (after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors)
4) Moon is very strong after considering all the shad bal and non shad bal factors.
Rule 71: The person will DIE by falling from a MOUNTAIN, if 8th & 1st lord together conjoins Mars and 6th lord. The person will DIE by a conveyance like a VEHICLE or ELEPHANT or HORSE, if 8th & 1st lord together conjoins with 4th lord. The person will DIE because of THIEVES or WEAPONS, if 8th & 1st lord together conjoins Rahu or Ketu in the 6th house.
Rule 72: Do you REALLY have PERFECTION in your WORK ? well to know this Karama Sthan has to be studied i.e. 10th house, 10th lord and Karakas of the 10th house which are Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mercury. The more POWERFUL 10th house is, the more PERFECT you would be in your work.
Rule 73: How to know whether the person will ENJOY the RAJ YOGA because of his/her OWN HARD WORK or because of OTHER’S EFFORTS? The answer is simple, if the person’s chart has many unobstructed Raj yogas WITHOUT THE DIRECT INVOLVEMENT of the 11th house (i.e. there is NO planet present in his/her 11th house), he will ENJOY the RAJ YOGA because of OTHER’S EFFORTS. These “others” could be person’s father or mother or spouse or friend or relative or any well wisher BUT if the RAJ YOGA DIRECTLY involves the role of the 11th house (i.e. there is a planet or more than 1 planet present in his/her 11th house), the person will ENJOY the RAJ YOGA through his/her OWN HARD WORK.
Rule 74: The Person may LOSE his/her HANDS or will be DEPRIVED of his/her hands or will face trouble or problems in his/her hands, if Rahu is there in the 5th house (as per the cusp chart), Saturn is placed in the 6th house (as per the cusp chart) ALONG WITH Mars or Venus or Sun, Moon Yoga or a combinations of these 3 conditions.
Rule 75: MOST of the TEETH of the person will be completely destroyed or removed, if there are 3 or more than 3 malefics placed in the 7th house (as per the cusp chart) or Saturn, Sun, Moon are placed in the 7th house (as per the cusp chart). Please note, here Mars should be highly afflicted and weak in the horoscope.
Rule 76: Both The person and his wife will be ONE EYED, if Sun is placed in the 12th house and Moon in the 6th house (as per the cusp chart) OR Moon is in the 12th house and Sun in the 6th house. Further, only the person would be ONE EYED, if Moon of Leo OR if Sun of Cancer OCCUPIES THE 7th house UNDER THE ASPECT of Mars.
Rule 77: If someone has serious HEART PROBLEMS, then Moon (planet governing over heart), 5th and 9th houses (these 2 houses governs over heart) and Jupiter (Karaka of both 5th and 9th houses) would simultaneously have bad afflictions or would be weak in the chart after analyzing several factors. For detailed reading on Diseases please refer to this article of mine: Nadi Astrology and Diseases.
Rule 78: Powerful as well as simultaneous impact of Rahu/Ketu and Saturn on Venus, 7th house (as per the cusp chart) and 7th lord (as per the cusp chart) create circumstances leading to long distance relationships.
Rule 79: The person would be SHORT LIVED in case as per the cusp chart there are NO benefic planets (i.e. Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Mercury) in the Kendras/quadrants and Trines/Trikonas houses (i.e. 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th houses) and the 1st as well as 8th houses are occupied by malefic planets like Saturn, Sun, Mars, Rahu, Ketu.
Rule 80: Your SATURN is definitely weak and afflicted in the chart if your DIGESTION SYSTEM is WEAK and you experience frequent or constant PAIN IN YOUR LEGS (especially Knees, Foreleg, feet and heels).
Rule 81: In whichever house Moon gets placed (as per the cusp chart), the parameters of that house would greatly influence the mind of the native, however holistic analysis of the chart is always necessary. For instance person with Moon in the 6th house will always fear about his enemies in case its weak or will always look for opportunities to defeat his enemies in case Moon is strong enough. But his mind will always remain engrossed in the matters of 6th house i.e. enemies, debts, diseases, court cases etc. Person with Moon in the 7th house will always think about his/her spouse or opposite sex, business, long term partnerships, reputation etc in a negative way or positive way depending on the overall strength or auspiciousness of this Moon. Similarly, for other houses, results should be derived.
Rule 82: 4th house is the house of happiness and Satisfaction. Moon and Mercury are the karaka of the 4th house. So in whichever house Moon, Mercury and 4th lord gets placed, the person would find happiness and satisfaction in experiencing the positive results connected to that very house. Here karaka of the 4th house i.e. Moon has more importance, as Moon also happens to be the Karaka of Mind. The next level of importance would be that of Mercury followed by the 4th lord (as per the cusp chart). For example, if someone has Moon in the 3rd house (as per the cusp chart), Mercury in the 12th house (as per the cusp chart) and 4th lord in the 11th house (as per the cusp chart). 3rd house being the house of courage, bravery, will power, efforts, confidence, communication, talents etc, hence the person will find maximum satisfaction and happiness while focusing only on efforts like nurturing or enhancing his/her talents, being courageous, brave even if the circumstances are not favorable. The person would love to communicate his/her feeling in the difficult times. Next we need to consider the position of Mercury i.e. in the 12th house, 12th house is considered as the house of loss in a materialistic perception, from the spiritualistic angle, it is actually the house of detachment and true detachment converts the person into a great giver. The person, who completely understands the depth or significance of giving, certainly becomes eligible for getting enlightenment or moksha, which is also governed by 12th house. Therefore the person will find happiness and satisfaction if he/she uses his/her intelligence in giving something to the world (how much he/she could give to others or to the world will depend on the overall strength of the Mercury). Lastly, placement of the 4th lord in the 11th house, would indicate that person will find happiness and satisfaction in fulfilling his/her desires or ambitions. The person would also find happiness and satisfaction in earning lot of money, experiencing fame etc. Now whether the person will earn or fulfill his/her desires through wrong means or right means that will depend on the holistic analysis of the chart.
Rule 83: If you are always under DEBT and facing frequent COURT CASES, 100% your 6th house, SATURN and 6th lord are highly afflicted and weak in the chart.
Rule 84: Your SUN is definitely weak and afflicted in the chart if your BONES are WEAK and you experience frequent or constant issues IN YOUR RIGHT EYE.
Rule 85: Your Jupiter is definitely weak and afflicted in the chart if you experience frequent or constant issues IN YOUR BRAIN, NOSE, FAT and FEET.
Rule 86: Presence of the Moon (weak or powerful) in the Ascendant as per the cusp chart SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCES the power of Raj Yogas in the chart (this basically means that the ability of a person to do good of the masses as a whole SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCES). To offset this dosha or to offset this negative impact, a POWERFUL Jupiter or Mars should be present in the Ascendant, without the influence of any other unwanted planet. AND if this OFFSET HAPPENS it will CREATE one of the VERY POWERFUL RAJ YOGA but for this Moon as well as the planet joining it in the Ascendant must be VERY STRONG from the angle of all Shad bal and non shad bal factors.
Rule 87: Your Mercury is definitely weak and afflicted in the chart if you experience frequent or constant issues IN YOUR THROAT and SKIN.
Rule 88: If you frequently experience FINANCIAL LOSSES, 100% your 12th house, SATURN and 12th lord are highly afflicted and weak in the chart.
Rule 89: Your Mars is definitely weak and afflicted in the chart if you experience frequent or constant issues IN YOUR TEETH, MUSCLES and BLOOD.
Rule 90: As per Nadi astrology, the native will see his spouse and sons in sickness and experiencing great suffering. If Saturn and Mars are in cancer sign in the 8th house as per the cusp chart, especially in the dashas of Saturn or Mars.
Rule 91: If the Navamsa rashi/sign occupied by the Atmakaraka planet has the presence of:
Ketu + Sun: The native will be a worshipper or Devotee of Bhagwan Shiva
(This result will also be applicable if Sun is the Atmakarak and is in a very strong conjunction with Ketu in the 12th house of the cusp chart. Very strong conjunction means that the degree gap should be less than 10 degree)
Ketu + Jupiter: The native will be a worshipper or Devotee of Bhagwan Brahma (Dakshina Murthy)
(This result will also be applicable if Jupiter is the Atmakarak and is in a very strong conjunction with Ketu in the 12th house of the cusp chart. Very strong conjunction means that the degree gap should be less than 10 degree)
Ketu + Moon: The native will be a worshipper or Devotee of Goddess Bhagwati Gowri/Parvati
(This result will also be applicable if Moon is the Atmakarak and is in a very strong conjunction with Ketu in the 12th house of the cusp chart. Very strong conjunction means that the degree gap should be less than 10 degree)
Ketu + Venus: The native will be a worshipper or Devotee of Goddess Bhagwati Lakshmi
(This result will also be applicable if Venus is the Atmakarak and is in a very strong conjunction with Ketu in the 12th house of the cusp chart. Very strong conjunction means that the degree gap should be less than 10 degree)
(Ketu + Mercury) or (Saturn + Mercury): The native will be a worshipper or Devotee of Bhagwan Vishnu
(This result will also be applicable if Mercury is the Atmakarak and is in a very strong conjunction with Ketu or Saturn in the 12th house of the cusp chart. Very strong conjunction means that the degree gap should be less than 10 degree)
Ketu + Mars: The native will be a worshipper or Devotee of Bhagwan Kartikeya/Subrahmanya
(This result will also be applicable if Mars is the Atmakarak and is in a very strong conjunction with Ketu in the 12th house of the cusp chart. Very strong conjunction means that the degree gap should be less than 10 degree)
Ketu + Saturn: The native will be a worshipper or Devotee of Bhagwan Yama
(This result will also be applicable if Saturn is the Atmakarak and is in a very strong conjunction with Ketu in the 12th house of the cusp chart. Very strong conjunction means that the degree gap should be less than 10 degree)
Ketu alone: The native will be a worshipper or Devotee of Bhagwan Ganesha.
(This result will also be applicable if Ketu is the Atma karaka and is placed alone in the 12th house of the cusp chart)
Note: In all these cases if the involved planets are strong and un-afflicted only then the person would be a true devotee, otherwise not.
Rule 92:
Moon in the 4th house (as per the cusp chart) in any sign on the 3rd degree is strong (except in its enemy or debilitated sign in lagan and D-9 chart).
Mars in the 10th house (as per the cusp chart) in any sign on the 28th degree is strong (except in its enemy or debilitated sign in lagan and D-9 chart)
Saturn in the 7th house (as per the cusp chart) in any sign on the 20th degree is strong (except in its enemy or debilitated sign in lagan and D-9 chart).
Jupiter in the 1st house (as per the cusp chart) in any sign on the 5th degree is strong (except in its enemy or debilitated sign in lagan and D-9 chart).
Venus in the 4th house (as per the cusp chart) in any sign on the 27th degree is strong (except in its enemy or debilitated sign in lagan and D-9 chart).
Sun in the 10th house (as per the cusp chart) in any sign on the 10th degree is strong (except in its enemy or debilitated sign in lagan and D-9 chart).
Mercury in the 1st house (as per the cusp chart) in any sign on the 15th degree is strong (except in its enemy or debilitated sign in lagan and D-9 chart).
Rule 93: Even if all the planets are good in the chart, a single Saturn has the power to teach native a hard lesson and no planet will have the courage to go against the wishes of Saturn. Extending this logic further, whenever a planet, receives the aspect of a powerful Saturn then that planet has to give its results as per the wishes of Saturn.(Just take it as a thumb rule).
Rule 94: A rare concept says that the planets in 2nd and 12th house as per the cusp chart, FROM THE Navamsa sign of Moon, also give rise to Sunpha, Anpha and Durdhara yogas. The usage of this concept becomes very important when the Moon in D-1 chart suffers from kemdruma dosha,in such a scenario, this rule would cancel the negative influence of Kemdruma dosha and will convert the malefic influences of kemdruma dosha into the benefic influences of kalpadruma Yoga.
Rule 95: Establishment of connection or linkage between 2 planets could be through 5 ways (After considering D-1 chart and cusp chart BOTH):
Rule 96: The person will get WEALTH THROUGH WIFE, if a powerful 2nd lord (as per the cusp chart), establishes strong linkage with 7th lord or Venus or both. Remember there are EIGHT FORMS of WEALTH (Asht Lakshmi) i.e. Spiritual wealth (Adi Lakshmi), Material wealth (Dhana Lakshmi), Food Wealth (Dhanya Lakshmi), Power (Gaja or Rajya Lakshmi), Knowledge (Vidya Lakshmi), Courage (Dhairya Lakshmi), Progeny (Santana Lakshmi), and Victory (Vijaya Lakshmi).So, the more would be strength and auspiciousness of the involved planets, the more happiness and satisfaction through Asht Lakshmi, the person will get through his wife.
Rule 97: The person will get WEALTH THROUGH SON, if a powerful 2nd lord (as per the cusp chart), establishes strong linkage with 5th lord or Jupiter or both. Remember there are EIGHT FORMS of WEALTH (Asht Lakshmi) i.e. Spiritual wealth (Adi Lakshmi), Material wealth (Dhana Lakshmi), Food Wealth (Dhanya Lakshmi), Power (Gaja or Rajya Lakshmi), Knowledge (Vidya Lakshmi), Courage (Dhairya Lakshmi), Progeny (Santana Lakshmi), and Victory (Vijaya Lakshmi).So, the more would be strength and auspiciousness of the involved planets, the more happiness and satisfaction through Asht Lakshmi, the person will get through his Son.