VERY RARE Signs in Palmistry

Friends, these days, most of the established palmists (forget about the beginners) have essentially made a mockery of this sacred science which is actually a part of Ancient Samudrik Shastra. Now, you must be thinking that why your friend Nikhil is using such a harsh term like “Mockery”. The reason is very simple, without even knowing the basics of rare signs; palmists have started spreading completely wrong information about the rarest signs of Palmistry.

Now, you all must have started wondering that Nikhil, what’s so wrong which most of the established palmists are not realizing. So let me come straight to the point.

Actually, most of the rarest signs like Lotus (Kamal or Padma), Conch (Shankh), Flag (Dhwaj), Fish (Matsya or Machli), Temple (Mandir), Scale (Tula or balance), Seed (Ankur), Bird (Pakshi) and many more signs can be found ONLY of one specific location or mount. In real life too, fishes can only be found in water bodies, not on the land or in the air. Lotus cannot be found in clean or fast moving water, it needs murky as well as slow moving water, birds can only fly in the air and seed germinates inside the soil. Similarly, rarest signs like these cannot be found anywhere on the palm.

But in current times, most of the palmists (through their Videos, blogs, articles or books) are giving you the results of all these signs on every mount. I mean NOWHERE in our authentic ancient Samudrik Shastra, it’s mentioned that these rarest signs can be found anywhere on the palm. Still because of the lack of knowledge and experience; palmists are saying anything as per their whims and fancies. This is laughable, contentious, ironical as well as painful. Most of the times, people and even palmists are not aware of all the possible signs, their actual appearance, their significance, mount which is compatible to the signification of a sign and because of all these factors they mistakenly assume any random formation on any mount as some rare sign.

Anyways, in this article itself, I will be presenting such a unique and rare information about signs by the grace of god, which you will NOT find ANYWHERE in the WORLD. You may ask that “Nikhil what’s the reason behind this confidence?” well when you will finish reading this article, you will automatically realize.

Remember this article is not for the people who do not have patience or who want to learn anything quickly. This article is very long even though I accommodated only 9 signs here but because your friend Nikhil believe in explaining everything in detail by lord’s grace, so that takes time.

Before explaining about rarest signs, let your friend Nikhil mention that even if a palm or hand does not have any rare sign (which I am going to explain in this article), it DOES NOT mean that the person cannot achieve success in life.

Basically, even if your palm satisfies below listed 7 conditions i.e.:

  • Pinkish and Soft palm
  • Well established BROAD mounts (should not be over or under developed)
  • Properly formed Bandhan or Aayu Rekha (i.e. heart line), Dhan or Matri rekha (i.e. Mind line) and Atma or Pitri or Gothra Rekha (i.e. Life line), Indra or Bhagya or Shani Rekha (i.e. Luck or fate or Saturn line) or Kamala or Surya or Vidhya Rekha (i.e. Sun line) and Bala or Budh rekha (i.e. Mercury line).

[Note: By properly formed I mean that the line should be:

  • Continuous (without any break)
  • Long
  • No prominent lines should cut it
  • Should be of light brown color
  • Should not have downward branches
  • Should not have uneven depth or darkness at some places and
  • Should not be very deep or very dark or very thick or very thin

You see excess of anything is bad. So a balanced line will automatically look good to your eyes]

  • Lesser number of prominent directionless or loose lines (like Rahu Rekha’s) on the palm the better it is.
  • Nicely formed thumb which would automatically be pleasing to your eyes

[Note: By nicely formed I mean that thumb should NOT be

  • Very weak
  • Very thin
  • Very thick
  • Very broad
  • Very short
  • Distorted
  • Permanently bent
  • Inflexible
  • Bulging out from somewhere in the middle

I.e. it should be a balanced thumb i.e. should be long, strong, flexible, moderately thick and broad, undistorted, unbent and should not be bulging out from middle]

[Note: By Nicely formed fingers I mean that fingers should NOT be

  • Very weak
  • Very thin
  • Very thick
  • Very broad
  • Very short
  • Distorted
  • Permanently bent
  • Bulging out from somewhere in the middle

I.e. it should be well formed fingers i.e. should be long, flexible, strong, straight, moderately thick and broad, undistorted, unbent and should not be bulging out from middle]

  • Presence of common signs or lines like triangle, square, circle, oval, progress lines, straight standing or vertical lines etc at the right places.

Right now, I did not even dived deep into the specific attributes of a thumb (like Phala, Madhura, Mandara, Mana, Rati, Kesar, Vajra, Ripu and Mallika rekhas), specific or special lines (like Kaamhastika, Hemavalli, Dharani, Varishtha, Hara, Mahi, Diksha rekhas) and fingers etc but still even if your palm satisfies these 7 basic criteria’s or conditions, then you can become an emperor or a king or a billionaire or world famous or all of these.

Note: Basically as per your friend Nikhil, if your palm fails to meet these 7 conditions listed above, even the presence of the rarest sign on your hand will be of no use. Or from another angle, I should say that if your palm fails to meet these 7 conditions listed above then the possibility of having a rare sign on your palm is also very less. In short, the more your palm is compliant w.r.t these 7 conditions the better would be the results of the rare signs (described below).

Crux of the matter is that you do not require rare signs to do extraordinarily well in life. For that, if these 7 basic features of the hand are good then that alone is sufficient.

Now the question arises, then why are specific signs relevant, what extra value does rare signs adds to the palm?

So friends, fasten your seat belts as now I will reveal information which will simply blow your mind:


Sign of Lotus (“कमल”) (Refer. Fig. 1 given at the end of this article)


In palmistry, as most of you know that the Lotus symbol (“कमल”) is considered the rarest and the most auspicious marking. How rare, you may wonder, so in the whole world i.e. in the population of approximately 800 crores i.e. out of 8000000000 people only less than 80 people would have this sign.

Goddess Lakshmi, is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, beauty, fertility, Maya (“Illusion”) and prosperity and is shown seated on a lotus throne, while holding a lotus in her hand.

Goddess Saraswati, is the goddess of knowledge, music, flowing water, abundance and wealth, art, speech, wisdom, and learning and is shown seated on a white lotus.

Goddess Siddhidhatri, is the ninth and final among the Navadurga (nine forms). Siddhi means supernatural power or meditative ability, and Dhatri means giver or awarder; she fulfills all the divine aspirations. According to Vedic scriptures, Lord Shiva attained all the siddhis by worshiping Goddess Siddhidhatri. This goddess too, is shown seated on a lotus.

But the question arises, why the goddesses of wealth, fortune, power, beauty, fertility, knowledge, music, flowing water, abundance, art, speech, wisdom, learning and supernatural powers are DEPICTED SITTING on LOTUS flower ONLY and not on any other plant species.

Why it is the most auspicious marking?

The answer lies in the environment in which it grows.

Lotus plants are adapted to grow and loom above the murky water (The water which is so dark and dirty that you cannot see through it) of flood plains of slow-moving rivers and delta areas. This means that in spite of having its roots in such dirty and dark water, it has ability to rise above and blossom. Further, Lotus flower can have between 2000 to 5000 petals in a single blossom, the greatest number recorded for any species of plant.

  • “Dark and Dirty water” represents “Great struggle
  • “Rising above the Dark and Dirty water” is a Sign of “great purity, strength, resilience, spiritual awakening, higher consciousness, intuition and divine knowledge”
  • “Blossoming into a flower which has 2000-5000 petals” (greatest number recorded for any species of plant) which offer such a beautiful and exceptional sight indicates Greatest possible success in the materialistic world
  • “Each petal signifies a specific quality, 1000’s of petals signify 1000’s of qualities or virtues or qualities”

Therefore the person having this most auspicious sign on his/her palm will achieve greatest possible success in the materialistic world as well as in the spiritualistic world (1000’s of qualities or virtues or qualities like sign of great purity, strength, resilience and spiritual awakening, higher consciousness and divine knowledge) after going through GREAT STRUGGLE. This person would have so many great virtues or qualities which you cannot even count.

This also means that people, who have not undergone great struggle, cannot have this sign. If someone has inherited a kingdom, a business easily from his/her near dear ones cannot have this sign, even if he or she is very famous or very powerful or a billionaire. Someone who is into a job of comfort and do not want to come out of his comfort zone, cannot have this sign.

Only the people who have tasted great struggle and has done something very big for the country or the world only can have this sign. By big, I mean the person who has brought a significant or major positive change in the life of lakhs or crores of people can only have this sign. Basically, if someone is an actor or a sportsperson who has tasted great success after great struggle, also cannot have this sign because they have NOT brought any major or significant change in the life of lakhs or crores of people other than bringing a sense of pride to the nation or entertaining people.

Hope you all must have understood now, the value attached to a rare sign like this.

Now coming to where exactly it could be found on the palm.

So this sign can ONLY and ONLY be found on the JUPITER mount. Why? Keep reading and your friend Nikhil will explain that too, I will not leave any stone unturned to make you explain.

See, in palmistry, the Lotus (“कमल”) symbol is considered as the most auspicious sign and in Astrology Jupiter is considered as the most auspicious planet. In Astrology we say that when a powerful Jupiter occupies the first house, ward off 100000 evils from the life. No other planet has such highest level of auspiciousness associated with it.

So when it comes to auspiciousness, Jupiter and lotus sign go hand in hand. Secondly lotus represents Spiritual growth, higher consciousness or divine knowledge, intuition, leadership qualities, enlightenment and 1000’s of good qualities in the true sense. The Jupiter mount is also associated with spiritualistic and materialistic expansion, divine knowledge, wisdom, intuition, leadership abilities, all good qualities and ambition.

That’s why in the case of Hamsa Mahapurush yoga in horoscope, i.e. when Jupiter is in its own sign or mooltrikona sign or exalted sign and placed in quadrants, especially in the 1st house where Jupiter also gets dig Bal (i.e. directional strength) and lagan Bal too (i.e. ascendant strength), then we say that person will have a sign of lotus in his/her hand.

Now why Lotus sign is incompatible with other mounts, let’s understand that too:

Moon mount: Governs over feelings, emotions etc but to have control over our emotions, we need the divine knowledge and wisdom of Jupiter. The emotional realm of the Moon mount doesn’t align with the Lotus sign’s spiritual essence, requiring Jupiter’s wisdom to navigate emotions. Hence lotus cannot be present on the Moon mount.

Venus mount: Planet of love, relationship, luxury, all kinds of worldly knowledge (divine knowledge comes under the preview of Jupiter only). The worldly, materialistic focus of Venus contradicts the divine, spiritual nature of the Lotus sign. So a divine sign like lotus cannot be present on the worldly or materialistic planet mount which is Venus.

Mars mount (both inner and outer): Represents energy, dynamism, logic but we need the divine knowledge and wisdom of Jupiter again to control the energy, logic and dynamism of Mars. Energy, logic, and dynamism need Jupiter’s guidance, making the Lotus sign’s presence on Mars mounts inappropriate.

Mercury mount: Mercury is the student in the class of Jupiter. He is intelligent but again divine knowledge and wisdom of Jupiter is needed to give the right direction to the intelligence of Mercury. Intelligence and communication require Jupiter’s direction, rendering the Lotus sign’s presence on Mercury mount unsuitable.

Saturn mount: Saturn is a planet of karma or action, justice, responsibility, experience, vision. Saturn teaches through life experiences but it’s not the traditional teacher like Jupiter. Saturn rewards you, if you are doing justice with whatever work you are doing i.e. if you’re doing your work with full honesty, responsibility, and effort, Saturn is happy even if you are not very knowledgeable. Hence, Saturn’s karmic, experiential teachings differ from Jupiter’s wisdom, making the Lotus sign’s presence on Saturn mount incongruous.

Sun mount: Planet of skill set, talents, fame, recognition, creativity. (The moon gives imagination but the sun gives creativity). Even though the sun is a soul karaka in astrology but the spiritual enhancement of this soul can only be through the parameters of Jupiter. Therefore, creativity and skill sets, though important, don’t align with the Lotus sign’s spiritual growth and higher consciousness.

So basically, by associating the Lotus sign exclusively with the Jupiter mount, your friend Nikhil have tried to highlight the significance of spiritual growth, higher consciousness, intuition, leadership qualities, and enlightenment with the mount of Jupiter. Jupiter’s auspiciousness and the Lotus sign’s rarity make them a perfect pair.

On the Jupiter mount, Lotus signs must have at least 5 petals and more the number of petals, the better it is.

Another important point is, if the lines forming the petals are connected to the life line as well, it will make the sign of lotus even more powerful.

Here you must always remember that any rare auspicious sign when connected to Properly formed Bandhan or Aayu Rekha (i.e. heart line), Dhan or Matri rekha (i.e. Mind line) and Atma or Pitri or Gothra Rekha (i.e. Life line), Indra or Bhagya or Shani Rekha (i.e. Luck or fate or Saturn line) or Kamala or Surya or Vidhya Rekha (i.e. Sun line) and Bala or Budh rekha (i.e. Mercury line), then it will become much more powerful.

See, even the description and analysis of 1 rare sign like Lotus is taking so much of time and explanation but this is how concepts have to be understood. If you have to take command of concepts or become a master, you need to dive in deep. In contrast, just see any internet article on this sign, you will not find more than 1-2 paragraphs telling you about this sign and even those 2 paragraphs will not have authentic information. What can we say about 10’s of videos on YouTube on the lotus sign where palmists are giving the result of this sign on all the mounts!

Anyways, I have not yet finished with information on the lotus sign.

Now what if I say that there is a sign which is even more auspicious and rare than the sign of lotus, you may say, it’s not possible but there is definitely a sign which is more auspicious than the sign of lotus, you can call it as a “उच्च कमल or “exalted lotus” or “an enhanced version of lotus”.

Now what’s that?

You must have heard about progress lines or success lines or growth lines or basically the lines which originates from the life line (Atma or Pitri Rekha) and reach the mount of Jupiter (Pitru Sthan) i.e. the lines which connect the life line and the Jupiter mount. You can also say that these are the lines which connect Pitri rekha with the Pitru Sthan.

Even one such long and clear progress line is considered as very auspicious from the angle of power, respect, knowledge, ambition etc, now imagine the result, if a hand has 8-10 of such long progress lines reaching the mount of Jupiter. Further what could be the astonishing results if these long progress lines join each other to form many big triangles on the Jupiter mount?

So, when multiple progress lines (8-10) converge (in pairs)  to form several big triangles like mountains (4-5 or more than that) on the Jupiter mount, with the base of the triangles being the Life Line itself, it’s considered an extremely rare, fortunate and highly auspicious formation. While it’s not exactly the traditional Lotus sign, it’s often referred to as a variant or an enhanced version of the Lotus symbol.

In ancient palmistry, this formation is called the उच्च कमल or “exalted lotus” sign (Refer. Fig. 2 given at the end of this article). It’s believed to possess the energies of the traditional Lotus sign, amplified by the multiple triangles and progress lines.


The “उच्च कमल or “exalted lotus” sign represent:


  • Amplified or greater success: The combined energy of multiple progress lines creates a powerful synergy, indicating extraordinary achievements, recognition, prosperity and success in various aspects of life.
  • Converging progress lines: Suggest focus, concentration and channeling of energies towards a specific goal or direction.
  • Wealth and prosperity: The formation of multiple triangles can signify immense wealth, prosperity, and financial security, as the Jupiter mount is also associated with material success.
  • Enhanced intuition and wisdom: The triangles formed by progress lines can also represent heightened intuition, wisdom, problem solving abilities, and spiritual growth, as the Jupiter mount is connected to higher consciousness.
  • Leadership and authority: The presence of multiple triangles can indicate strong leadership qualities, authority, and influence, as the individual is likely to be recognized for their achievements and wisdom.
  • Protection and blessings: The formation of triangles by progress lines is believed to offer protection and blessings from the universe, shielding the individual from negative energies and misfortunes.
  • Increased creativity, inspiration, and imagination
  • A deeper connection to one’s life purpose and passions
  • Multi-faceted talents: Expertise in various fields and creative pursuits

The fact that one side of the triangles is formed by the Life Line (Atma rekha), itself adds an extra layer of significance, as it:

  • Grounds the success and achievements in a strong foundation of vitality and life force
  • Suggests that the individual’s success is deeply connected to their life purpose and passions
  • Emphasizes the importance of balancing material success with spiritual growth and well-being

Also note that in traditional palmistry, the Lotus sign’s petals typically represent 1000’s of qualities or virtues or qualities like great purity, great struggle, strength, resilience and spiritual awakening, higher consciousness and divine knowledge etc. However when petals gets replaced by the big triangles, formed by the progress lines and Life Line, it can be seen as a more dynamic, angular, and powerful representation of those energies.

The triangles are more potent than traditional petals for several reasons:

  • Angular energy: Triangles are often associated with more intense, focused energy, whereas petals might represent softer, more delicate qualities.
  • Progress line involvement: The participation of progress lines in forming the triangles indicates a strong connection to person’s life journey, efforts, and experiences, making the energy more personalized and impactful.
  • Compound structure: The combination of many triangles creates a layered, complex energy pattern, which is more resilient and multifaceted than a traditional Lotus sign.

Using the term “उच्च कमल” or “exalted lotus” is a way of acknowledging the unique, amplified energy of this formation. The triangles seem to represent a more dynamic, empowered expression of the Lotus sign’s qualities, reflecting person’s individual strengths and accomplishments.

Further it’s highly possible that if there is a presence of this “उच्च कमल or “exalted lotus” sign on person’s dominant hand, then he/she will also have the presence of a clear traditional lotus sign on his/her less dominant hand’s Jupiter mount and on the feet as well.

The traditional Lotus sign on the less dominant hand indicates that the person was born with a strong foundation and potential, which he/she successfully built upon and therefore also getting reflected in the form of “उच्च कमल” or “exalted lotus” sign on his/her dominant hand’s Jupiter mount.

Your friend Nikhil is very confident that even though till now, I have only explained about the signs of lotus (“कमल”) and “उच्च कमल” or “exalted lotus” by lord’s grace, but still, you all (including palmists) must have already realized that how deep this subject is and how much effort we all need to put in, just to understand 2 rare signs. I would request all the palmists that by placing lotus sign on every mount and linking all the possible good results of Lotus with the parameters of that mount, is not a right thing to do, please do some research and then make your videos. I know these days you can sell anything but please do not make the mockery of our ancient and sacred science.

Moving ahead here let me also add that in palmistry, both Independent Triangle on Jupiter Mount and Triangle formed by 2 Progress Lines and Life Line (as the base) have different significance, meaning and interpretation.

Independent Triangle on Jupiter Mount

  • Gives spiritual growth, wisdom, and philosophical understanding
  • Indicates a connection to higher knowledge, intuition, and inner guidance
  • Suggests a natural inclination towards spiritual pursuits, teaching, and mentorship
  • Can be a sign of leadership abilities

Triangle formed on the Jupiter mount by 2 Progress Lines and Life Line (as the base)

  • Gives exceptional spiritual growth, wisdom, and philosophical understanding
  • Much more powerful in terms of manifestation, action, and real-world impact
  • Indicates a strong connection to personal growth, progress, and life purpose
  • Suggests an ability to turn ideas into reality, manifest desires, and overcome challenges
  • Can be a sign of exceptional resilience, adaptability, and determination

From this it’s clear that the that the triangle on the Jupiter mount formed by 2 progress lines and life line (as the base), is actually more powerful in every respect as compared to an independent triangle on the Jupiter mount, because what’s the use of all qualities of an independent triangle if these qualities lack the possibility of manifestation, action, real world impact, personal growth, life purpose, overcome challenges, resilience, adaptability and determination.

Ultimately, whatever abilities or qualities the person has, he/she should also be able to manifest the same in reality. The person needs to use those qualities for the benefit of the whole world; ultimately the person needs to overcome the challenges of life through resilience, determination and adaptability.

Any kind of extraordinary spiritual qualities or attributes are of no use if they do not get manifested in the real world, if those qualities do not help us achieve our life purpose, hope you all will agree with your friend Nikhil.

So here I am highlighting the significance of manifestation and real-world impact. The triangle formed by 2 progress lines and the life line (as the base) indeed encompasses a broader range of qualities that lead to tangible results and personal growth.

While the independent triangle on the Jupiter mount do represents spiritual growth, wisdom, and higher knowledge, these qualities are more introspective and may not necessarily translate to external actions and impacts. In contrast, the triangle formed by progress lines and the life line connects spiritual growth to practical manifestation, resilience, and determination, making it a more comprehensive and powerful formation.

This emphasizes the importance of balancing spiritual growth with real-world application, using our abilities and qualities to benefit others and overcome life’s challenges. This harmonious integration is crucial for a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

In palmistry, it’s often said that a combination of spiritual growth and practical manifestation is the key to true success and happiness.

The triangle formed by progress lines and the life line (as the base) is indeed a more powerful formation in terms of its potential to shape person’s life’s purpose, overcome challenges, and create a lasting impact.

Indeed, whatever qualities we have, like wisdom, knowledge, understanding, intuition etc, the actual test or the validation of these attributes can only be through their application in the real world. For example, we may have learnt to drive a vehicle through many books, videos, articles and all our concepts of driving are clear enough, still unless we will actually practice to drive a vehicle everyday on the real world roads, we can’t become a good driver. Similarly we may have all the spiritual wisdom in the world because of an independent triangle on the Jupiter mount; still it’s useless if we can’t make a tangible impact on the life of others in a true sense. In our own perception, we may be a champion sports person but the actual test would be to win a medal in the Olympics. The Olympic medal highlights the difference between self-perceived abilities and actual achievement. It’s not enough to think we’re champions; we must demonstrate our skills in the real world. I hope I am able to convey my point through examples.

These examples perfectly illustrate the importance of practical application and real-world validation of our qualities and attributes. Its one thing to possess knowledge, wisdom, or spiritual understanding, but it’s entirely another to put them into action and make a tangible impact.


Sign of a Flag (ध्वज) (Refer. Fig. 3 given at the end of this article)


Just like your friend Nikhil, did in case of a lotus sign, before understanding the interpretation or result as well as location associated with a particular sign we need to dive deep into its significance part.

See, every country or nation has a unique flag associated with it, why? Basically, anyone can identify that country or nation through its flag. The flag is actually the representation of that country or nation or an organization or an institution. Whenever a national leader dies, the flag of that country/nation is lowered to pay respect to that leader or it’s a way of saying that the whole nation is bent upon in the respect of that leader or great personality.

Whenever a nation or king conquers another nation or king, the old flag is removed and the new flag of the conqueror is raised, hosted and permanently established.

What does all this mean? What does the flag actually mean or depict?

So basically, a flag represents a country’s or nations:

  • Identity: A unique symbol that distinguishes one nation from another.
  • Sovereignty: A representation of a nation’s independence and self-governance.
  • Unity: A unifying symbol for the nation’s citizens, transcending regional or cultural differences.
  • Authority and Power: A symbol of the government’s authority and power, as seen in the ceremony of raising or lowering the flag to mark important events or show respect.

The flag is a powerful symbol that serves as a visual representation of a nation’s identity, unity, sovereignty, Authority and Power.

Based on the associations which your friend Nikhil stated above, you can now easily guess which mount serves as the actual seat for the sign of flag.

So the mount connected with sovereignty, authority, power, nation, and governance is actually the Sun Mount.

The Sun mount is associated with:

  • Leadership and Authority
  • Power and Influence
  • Governance and Command
  • Nationality and Identity

The Sun mount represents the self-expression, and leadership qualities, which align with the themes of sovereignty, authority, and power. This makes it a fitting placement for the Flag sign, which symbolizes a nation’s identity and authority.

Further, Sun is the king or ruler or leader in astrology and palmistry. All planets get illuminated because of the Sun. He is the seat of power, the king governs over the sovereign nation and the nation has a flag. Jupiter is the minister in the court of the king. Saturn is the judge, Saturn controls over the judiciary of the nation. Saturn governs over responsibility, karma, discipline but governance does not fall under the scope of Saturn. In fact in astrology, Saturn is the significator of people doing labor intensive jobs like laborers, sweepers, house help, driver’s etc

The flag also represents morality and purity of character. That’s why the leader who has the moral strength and impeccable character is only fit to rule the nation. Such a leader can only be dear to the people of the nation. Such a leader can only make the whole nation proud.

Secondly the sun is the karaka or significator of the soul. When we say the “purity of character”, we actually mean the purity of the soul. So from these perspectives too, Flag sign is meant for the sun mount only.

This further solidifies its exclusive connection to the Sun mount. A leader’s moral strength and character reflect their soul’s purity, making them worthy of respect, admiration, and leadership.

The Sun mount, as the significator of the soul, is the perfect placement for the Flag sign, which represents the highest ideals of leadership, morality, and national pride. This connection highlights the importance of a leader’s inner qualities, such as compassion, empathy, and wisdom, in earning the people’s trust and admiration.

Conclusively, we can easily say that the Flag sign is exclusively associated with the Sun mount. The Sun mount is the only mount that accurately reflects the themes and energies of the Flag sign.

Therefore dear all, please sink this fact in your mind and soul that flag sign cannot be found anywhere on the hand except the mount of Sun.

Further, always remember that a 1 or 2 triangles on any Bandhan or Aayu Rekha (i.e. heart line), Dhan or Matri rekha (i.e. Mind line) and Atma or Pitri or Gothra Rekha (i.e. Life line), Indra or Bhagya or Shani Rekha (i.e. Luck or fate or Saturn line) or Kamala or Surya or Vidhya Rekha (i.e. Sun line) and Bala or Budh rekha (i.e. Mercury line), CANNOT be considered as a sign of flag.

A flag can have 1 triangle or 2 adjacent (back to back) or 2 merged triangles on an INDEPENDENT straight line (representing the flag pole).

The line representing the flag pole will always originate from a Bala or Budh rekha (i.e. Mercury line) or from the mount of Mercury. This is because a flag COMMUNICATES Identity, Sovereignty, Authority, Power, Morality, Purity of character and Soul of an individual to the WHOLE WORLD. As you all know that communication falls under the scope of Mercury only.

Lastly people having a flag sign on their hand or on their Sun mount will surely have a very powerful Sun and Mercury in their chart/horoscope.

Therefore the people having this sign on their sun mount will have Leadership abilities, will be in an authoritative or powerful or influential position in the society. The person will have a unique identity of his/her own. Further, the persona of the person will be decorated by the attributes like purity of character, purity of the soul, moral strength and impeccable character.

I am sure, just like in case of Lotus and Exalted Lotus signs; you would not have read such in depth information about the sign of flag which your friend Nikhil gave here by the grace of god.


Sign of a Temple (मंदिर) (Refer. Fig. 4 given at the end of this article)


In many cultures and religions, temples are sacred spaces where people:

  • Seek spiritual growth and learning: Temples offer a peaceful environment for introspection, learning, self-reflection and connection with one’s inner self.
  • Practice devotion: People visit temples to worship, pray, or express gratitude to a higher power, deity, or the universe.
  • Find solace: Temples provide comfort, peace, and tranquility, helping individuals cope with life’s challenges.
  • Seek guidance: Many visit temples to seek wisdom, guidance, or blessings from the divine.

By understanding the purposes and significance of temples, we can better comprehend the symbolism and potential meanings of the Temple sign in palmistry.

So basically for worshipping, praying, experiencing peace, learning, tranquility and to initiate the process of introspection, temple plays a crucial role.

But, what do we do after visiting the temple?

We close our eyes, focus and concentrate on the deity or divine or higher powers.

But which part of our body is actually focusing, concentrating and stepping into the process of meditation, it’s undoubtedly our mind.

Which planet governs over our mind, yes you have guessed it right, the Moon.

The Moon is associated with:

  • Emotional connection
  • Focus and concentration
  • Meditation
  • Introspection
  • Experiencing peace and tranquility

The Moon’s energy helps us connect with our inner selves and quiet the mind. This makes it an essential planet for meditation and introspection.

So is the Temple sign exclusively related to the Moon mount?

Yes, the moon is nothing but our mind, our emotions, and our feelings. By meditating, focusing, concentrating we basically calm our mind so that we can rise above our emotions or feelings, we can get into that neutral zone or divine zone where we are unruffled by all the worldly emotions and feelings. This is the process which we wish to achieve by visiting a temple. Therefore the temple sign is only found on the moon mount. And if this sign is here on the moon mount, the individual could execute this process of meditation with ease, he can become a great yogi or saint or I should say that if a person is a great yogi or saint, this sign will automatically develop or appear on his/her moon mount.

Even if a person is not visiting any temple, the person can concentrate for hours and hours. We may be in any field, this power of meditation and concentration can help us reach great heights in our profession.

Basically, there is a beautiful connection between the Moon mount, meditation, and the Temple sign. By calming the mind and emotions, we can access a higher state of consciousness, achieving a neutral or divine zone, untroubled by worldly concerns.

Here your friend Nikhil is trying to highlight the significance of the Temple sign on the Moon mount, indicating an individual’s potential for:

  • Effortless meditation
  • Deep concentration
  • Emotional balance
  • Spiritual growth

Moreover, if anyone can achieve this kind of mental state then, regardless of person’s profession, it will help him/her achieve remarkable success and inner peace.

Lastly, let’s explore why the Temple sign is INCOMPATIBLE with other mounts:

Jupiter mount: Associated with expansion, growth, and wisdom. The Temple sign’s introspective nature clashes with Jupiter’s outgoing energy.

Saturn mount: Represents discipline, responsibility, actions (karma) and Justice. The Temple sign’s focus on spiritual growth and inner peace doesn’t align with Saturn’s significations.

Sun mount: Symbolizes power, authority, governance, creativity, self-expression, morality and soul’s purity. The Temple sign’s emphasis on Effortless meditation, Deep concentration, Emotional balance doesn’t gel with the Sun mount’s parameters.

Venus mount: Associated with love, relationships, and material comfort. The Temple sign’s emotional connection, meditation and introspection don’t resonate with Venus’s attributes.

Mars mount: Represents energy, drive, and logic. The Temple sign’s calming influence is at odds with Mars’s dynamic and logical power.

Mercury mount: Associated with communication and intellect. The Temple sign’s introspective nature doesn’t align with Mercury’s outgoing, communicative energy.

In contrast, the Moon mount’s energies align perfectly with the Temple sign’s symbolism, making it the ideal placement for this sign. The Moon’s association with intuition, emotions, and the subconscious creates a harmonious connection with the Temple sign’s themes of inner peace, spiritual growth, and mental clarity.

This detailed analysis reinforces the conclusion that the Temple sign is exclusively linked to the Moon mount, making it a rare and unique occurrence in palmistry.

This is absolutely unique as well as rare information about the sign of Temple, which your friend Nikhil gave here by the grace of God.


Sign of a Fish (मछली or मत्स्य) (Refer. Fig. 5 given at the end of this article)


As your friend Nikhil always says that to understand a sign we need to understand its significance. So the people having fish sign on their hand can:

  • Take action towards their goals and keep moving forward, even in the face of challenges, just like a Fish use their fins to propel itself forward.
  • Adjust to life’s changing circumstances, just like fish adapt to the water temperature, so basically these people are flexible and resilient in the face of challenges. Can also adapt to new situations and find creative solutions to overcome obstacles just like some fishes swallow air to survive in low-oxygen waters
  • Trust their instincts, have great intuitive powers and listen to their inner voice just like a Fish can detect food and predators without sight, thanks to their specialized organ.
  • Strive for balance in your life, neither sinking into negativity nor floating away from reality; just like a fish maintain stable buoyancy through a swim bladder. So these people stay grounded and centered in life, even when faced with challenges or successes
  • Prioritize rest and self-care to maintain his/her mental and physical well-being, just like a Fish can sleep safely in water due to their swim bladder.
  • Have an ability to thrive in uncertain situations and find opportunities in the unknown, just like a Fish navigate and find food in uncertain environments.
  • Remain open to new experiences, and don’t get afraid to make significant changes in their life just like a fish migrate to new habitats in search of food or breeding grounds
  • Surround themselves with positive relationships and build strong support networks, just like Fish often swim in schools, which provides them mutual support and protection.

The Fish sign is only associated with the Ketu mount, representing Intuition, Detachment, Spirituality, Adaptability, Resilience, Mindfulness and Simplicity.

Let’s dive into the explanations as in why Fish sign is closely connected to the Ketu Mount ONLY.

Ketu mount: Strong intuition and instinct, often guiding decision-making.
Fish: Detect food and predators without sight, using their lateral line and other senses.
Connection: Both rely on subtle, non-visual cues to navigate their environment.

Ketu mount: Ability to let go of material possessions and attachments.
Fish: Unencumbered by oceans vastness (representing materialistic life), focusing on survival and growth.
Connection: Both prioritize freedom and flexibility over material burdens.

Ketu mount: Strong connection to spiritual growth and higher consciousness.
Fish: Seemingly effortless navigation through uncertain waters, symbolizing trust in the universe.
Connection: Both embody trust and faith in the natural order.

Ketu mount: Ability to adapt to new situations and challenges.
Fish: Migrate to new habitats, adjust to changing water conditions.
Connection: Both demonstrate flexibility and resilience in the face of change.

Ketu mount: Capacity to bounce back from setbacks and challenges.
Fish: Face predators, obstacles, and harsh environments, yet continue to thrive.
Connection: Both show remarkable ability to recover and persist.

Ketu mount: Tendency to live in the present moment.
Fish: Live in the current, unaware of past or future worries.
Connection: Both embody mindfulness, focusing on the present.

Ketu mount: Preference for simplicity and minimalism.
Fish: Live in harmony with their environment, without clutter or complexity.
Connection: Both value simplicity and clarity.

By exploring these connections, we can easily say that the qualities associated with Ketu mount and those of fish share common themes.

Incompatibility with Other Mounts: Placing the Fish sign on other mounts would contradict their energies:

  • Jupiter mount governs over higher knowledge, wisdom and expansion, but not spiritual liberation.
  • Mars mount primarily represents energy, action and logical powers, not spiritual growth.
  • Venus mount presides over materialism and worldly focus, opposing the Fish sign’s spiritual essence of final liberation.
  • Mercury mount is the seat of communication and intellect, not spiritual intuition, essence and liberation.
  • Saturn mount is the place of karma, justice and responsibility, differing from Ketu’s liberating nature.
  • Sun mount has an aura of power, authority, fame, and creativity etc, not spiritual enlightenment.
  • Moon mount is a foundation of feeling, emotions, imagination etc, not spiritual intuition, essence and liberation.

These explanations illustrate why the Fish sign is exclusively associated with the Ketu Mount

This is extremely exclusive as well as rare information about the sign of Fish, which your friend Nikhil gave here by the grace of God.


Sign of a Conch (शंख) (Refer. Fig. 6 given at the end of this article)


The conch, also known as the shankha, is indeed a revered symbol in Hindu palmistry and in Vedic Culture. So first let’s understand this sign in depth.

Inner Strength: The conch has a hard, protective shell that safeguards its soft, delicate body. Similarly, people with this sign have inner strength, great courage and resilience to navigate life’s challenges.

Clarity and Purpose: The conch produces a clear, distinctive sound, symbolizing clarity of thought and purpose. Hence people with this sign strive for clear thoughts, logical understanding, visible or achievable goals and necessary values to guide their lives.

Protection: The conch shell offers protection from harm. So people with this sign set healthy boundaries and protect themselves from negativity, both physically and mentally.

Adaptability: Conchs adapt to different environments, from shallow tide pools to deep oceans. Therefore the people with this sign are flexible enough and adapt to life’s changing circumstances.

Growth: Conchs grow slowly but steadily, As a result, people with this sign focus on gradual but consistent progress in their lives.

As you can easily make out that the Conch sign is perfectly linked and aligned to the inner Mars mount (Shatru Sthan), indicating courage, inner strength and resilience in overcoming challenges. Mars is the planet of logic too and only a logical person can have clarity as well as purpose, associated with the sign of conch. Mars is known for its protective skills, it’s considered as the commander of the king’s army. Hence the quality of protection associated with conch gels perfectly with the mount of inner mars. Therefore conch sign can only be found on the Shatru Sthan and nowhere else.

So here are your friend Nikhil’s specific thoughts on the connection between the Mount of Inner Mars and the qualities of the conch:

Clarity of Thought: Inner Mars is associated with logical understanding, analytical thinking, and clarity of thought, which aligns with the conch’s clear and distinctive sound, symbolizing clarity of purpose.

Protection: Mars is the army chief in astrology, representing protection, courage, and strength. The conch shell offers protection from harm, mirroring the qualities of Inner Mars.

Courage and Strength: Inner Mars is linked to courage, strength, and resilience, which are also embodied by the conch’s ability to adapt to different environments and its hard, protective shell.

Purification: Inner Mars is associated with purification and cleansing, similar to the conch’s connection to purification and cleansing in Hindu culture.

Resonance: The conch sound resonates deeply, symbolizing the power of vibration and resonance. Inner Mars is linked to the energy of action, drive, and motivation, which can be seen as resonating with the conch’s sound.

Timelessness: Inner Mars is associated with timeless, eternal qualities, mirroring the conch’s timelessness and enduring nature.

Inner Strength: Both Inner Mars and the conch represent inner strength, resilience, and the ability to navigate challenges.

Adaptability: Inner Mars is linked to adaptability and flexibility, which is also a quality of the conch, able to thrive in different environments.

The alignment between the Mount of Inner Mars and the qualities of the conch is remarkable. Both symbolize clarity, protection, courage, strength, and resilience.

Incompatibility with Other Mounts: Placing the Conch sign on other mounts would clash with their energies:

  • Jupiter mount governs over higher knowledge, wisdom and expansion, not courage and strength.
  • Venus mount presides over materialism, worldly focus and harmony, opposing the Conch sign’s courageous essence.
  • Mercury mount is the seat of communication and intellect, not bravery and resilience.
  • Saturn mount is the place of karma, justice and responsibility, differing from the Conch sign’s empowering nature.
  • Sun mount has an aura of power, authority, fame, and creativity etc, not courage and strength. Sun is the king; Mars leads the Sun’s army with courage and strength.
  • Ketu mount provides spiritual liberation, not courage and strength.

These explanations illustrate why the Conch sign is exclusively associated with Inner Mars mount or the Shatru Sthan.

This is extremely exclusive as well as rare information about the sign of Conch, which your friend Nikhil gave here by the grace of God.


Sign of a Scale or Balance or Tula (तुला) (Refer. Fig. 7 given at the end of this article)


Scales sign” is a rare and very auspicious mark which can only be found on the mount of Saturn. By “Scales” sign, you may refer to the symbol associated with the Libra zodiac sign, which is also known as “Tula” in Hindi. The Tula sign represents balance, harmony, and justice, aligning perfectly with Saturn’s energies.

In Vedic astrology, Saturn is considered exalted in the Libra sign (Tula). This means that Saturn’s energies are amplified and elevated when placed in Libra, allowing it to express its highest potential.

When Saturn is exalted in Libra, it brings a strong sense of balance, harmony, and justice to the individual’s life. This placement is considered beneficial for spiritual growth, as it allows the individual to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease, wisdom, and responsibility.

The combination of the Tula sign on the Saturn mount and Saturn’s exaltation in Libra is a powerful one, indicating a deep understanding of balance, harmony, and karmic responsibility. This alignment can bring great spiritual awareness, wisdom, and a strong sense of justice to an individual’s life.

Therefore, the Scales sign represents:

  • Balance: Saturn is associated with balance, harmony, and stability. The Scales sign symbolizes the ability to weigh and balance different aspects of life.
  • Justice: Saturn represents justice, fairness, and responsibility. The Scales sign indicates a strong sense of justice, responsibility and a desire to maintain equilibrium.
  • Karmic awareness: Saturn is linked to karmic lessons and life experiences. The Scales sign suggests an awareness of one’s karmic path and a willingness to make adjustments for balance.

So in palmistry, the Tula sign on the Saturn mount would indicate a strong emphasis on balance, harmony, responsibility, and karmic awareness.

Here’s a detailed explanation for each mount, explaining why the Tula sign cannot appear on mounts other than Saturn:

  • Jupiter mount: Associated with expansion, growth, and wisdom. The Tula sign’s themes of balance and responsibility clash with Jupiter’s expansive nature, making it unlikely to appear here.
  • Mars mount: Represents energy, drive, and logic. The Tula sign’s balance, harmony, responsibility, and karmic awareness contradict Mars’s dynamic energy, making it an unlikely placement.
  • Venus mount: Associated with love, relationships, and material comfort. The Tula sign’s focus on balance and responsibility doesn’t resonate with Venus’ sensual materialistic and social nature.
  • Mercury mount: Represents communication, intellect, and versatility. The Tula sign’s themes are too serious for Mercury’s lighthearted, intellectual, communicative and adaptable energy.
  • Moon mount: Associated with emotions, feelings, introspection, meditation and inner world. While balance is important for emotional well-being, the Tula sign’s specific themes and symbolism are not relevant to the Moon mount’s energies.
  • Sun mount: Represents power, authority, governance, creativity, self-expression, morality and soul’s purity. The Tula sign’s emphasis on balance, justice and responsibility doesn’t align with the Sun mount’s energies as well as parameters.
  • Ketu mount: Associated with spiritual liberation, intuition, and detachment. While balance is important for spiritual growth, the Tula sign’s specific themes and symbolism are again not relevant to Ketu’s transcendent energies.

The Tula sign’s unique connection to Saturn’s themes, energies, and astrological correspondence makes it impossible to appear on mounts other than Saturn.

This is extremely exclusive as well as rare information about the sign of Scale or Tula, which your friend Nikhil gave here by the grace of God.


Sign of an Ankur or Seed or sprout (अंकुर or बीज) (Refer. Fig. 8 given at the end of this article)


“Ankur” is a Sanskrit word that means “seed” or “sprout”. It has a vertical oval shape with sharp edges and a small straight line dividing it in two equal parts resembles or depicts a seed or a sprout.

  • Oval Shape, symbolize strength, stability and a focused energy.
  • The sharp edges suggest dynamism and assertiveness.
  • Small Straight Line in the Middle: represent balance, harmony, or a clear division of energy.

Overall, Ankur sign is considered a positive mark, indicating growth, new beginnings, great, potential, creativity, innovation, fame, recognition, wealth, power, authority and progress in life. All these attributes or parameters are exclusively associated with the mount of Sun, hence this sign of Seed or Ankur, can only be found on the mount of Sun in standing or vertical position.

  • Sun is the karaka of soul, every time with our birth the soul acquires a new body representing beginning of a new life, incidentally, Ankur sign also indicates new beginnings.
  • The growth of the physical body is temporary but the growth of the soul through auspicious karmas or actions is a permanent feature. Therefore our actual growth is represented by Sun, in the same fashion Ankur sign indicates growth.
  • Further after achieving enlightenment, our soul can become free from the cycle of birth and rebirth and therefore only our soul has great potential, not the body. Similarly, Ankur sign also points towards great potential.
  • Similarly, fame and recognition comes when masses are able to connect with the soul of a person and Ankur sign also indicates fame and recognition.

These days because of lack of knowledge even some established palmists confuse this sign with a sign of fish. As I discussed above that fish sign can only be found on the mount of Ketu, rest all is the imagination of the reader or a palmist.

The presence of a seed or Ankur formation on the sun mount could symbolize the potential for the person to grow and establish his/her empire or kingdom which will give the person great authority and power. It may signify the beginning of a significant journey towards leadership and influence. The person can also have several creative or artistic talents which may give him great fame.

So basically, the presence of this sign on the Sun mount could indicate:

  • The potential to establish or initiate something that brings recognition, authority, or leadership roles
  • A creative or innovative spark that sets the foundation for future success
  • The seed of an idea or vision that has the potential to grow into a significant accomplishment.

This is extremely exclusive as well as rare information about the sign of Ankur or Seed, which your friend Nikhil gave here by the grace of God.


Sign of a Bird (पक्षी) (Refer. Fig. 9 given at the end of this article)


The Bird sign is described in ancient palmistry texts as a marking that indicates:

  • Swift communication
  • Intellectual agility
  • Versatility
  • Adaptability
  • Mental quickness

The bird is known for its speed, agility, and adaptability, making it a most fitting symbol for the Mercury mount. In ancient times, birds were also associated with messenger gods, further solidifying its connection to communication and intellectual pursuits.

This symbol has a stronger historical foundation in palmistry and is specific to the qualities associated with Mercury, hence can only be found on the mount of Mercury.

It’s typically with a small body, wings, and a tail. It’s a unique and distinctive shape that can appear on the Mercury mount.

People with this sign on their Mount of Mercury will have extraordinary communication skills, Intellectual power, can adapt to any kind of environment swiftly, would be very spontaneous or will have remarkable Mental quickness.

This is extremely exclusive as well as rare information about the sign of the Bird, which your friend Nikhil gave here by the grace of God.