Very Important rules for reading horoscopes

Rule 1

List of Planets associated references for all beginners

Sun: Soul karaka, Purity, Father (pitru or pitri karaka), son, Right eye, Ring finger and bones
Moon: Mind, Mother (matru or matri karaka), Elder sister, mother in law, Left eye, chest, Breast, Belly, Stomach, Kidney, Urinary Bladder and blood
Mars: Energy, Husband (pati karaka), Younger brother (2nd), Tooth/teeth, Muscle, Red blood cells, Bone Marrow, Cardiac region, Eyebrow, testicles, spinal cord and bridge of the nose and heart
Mercury: Intelligence, Education (vidhya karaka), Maternal Uncle, girl friend, boy friend, father in law, adopted son, Younger sister (3rd), Younger brother (3rd), Little finger, throat, neck, shoulders, skin, tongue, naval, gullet, lungs, arms/hands, forehead and shoulders
Jupiter: Wisdom, Jeeva karaka (Self) for Males, eldest brother, Thighs, index finger, brain, nose, nostril, flesh, fat and feet
Venus: Love, Jeeva karaka (Self) for Females, Venus is also for Wife, Finance, vehicles, daughter, daughter in law, Younger sister (2nd) Womb, uterus, cheeks, face, semen and ovaries
Saturn: Actions, Profession karaka, elder brother, Feet, heel, chin, digestion system, middle finger, knees, digestion bladder, foreleg and buttocks
Rahu: False (karaka of astya), Paternal Grand Father, Intestine, lips, mouth, ear, rectum, vagina and head
Ketu: Truth (karaka of satya), Maternal Grand Father, Anus, nail, hair, penis, mustache and nerves

Rule 2

Result of any Bhava or House is decided through the:

a) Planets placed in it (After analyzing all shad bal and non shad bal factors w.r.t to this planet)
b) Planets aspecting it. (After analyzing all shad bal and non shad bal factors w.r.t to this aspecting planet)
c) Karaka of that house (After analyzing all shad bal and non shad bal factors w.r.t to this Karaka)
d) Lord of that house (After analyzing all shad bal and non shad bal factors w.r.t to this lord)
e) Support coming from other bhavas or houses
f) Support coming from all other planets.

Rule 3

Rules of Aspects (Given by Rishi Parashar, rishi jaimini, rishi bhirgu and rishi agasthya)

All planets fully aspects 7th house from themselves.
Saturn have 3rd and 10th full aspects also apart from 7th aspect
Mars have 4th and 8th full aspects also apart from 7th aspect
Jupiter have 5th and 9th full aspects also apart from 7th aspect

As per nadi astrology (supported by numerous sages):

Planets in 5th and 9th from each other are said to have 75% aspects on each other. (trine placement is taken as conjunction only by nadi astrologers) (If Jupiter is one of those 2 planets, then Jupiter aspect would be complete (100%) on 5th and 9th places from itself)
Planets in conjunction with each other are said to have 100% aspect on each other. Planet placed in 2nd from a ref. planet cast 75%-90% aspect on the ref. planet.(frontal aspect)
Planet placed in 12th from a ref. planet cast 25% aspect on the ref. planet. (rear aspect)
Few other views on aspects (as per rishi jaimini, parashar, bhirgu and rishi agasthya) :
All planets aspect 4th and 8th from themselves with 75% aspects (with an exception of mars, which have full aspects on these places)
All planets aspect 5th and 9th from themselves with 50% aspects (with an exception of Jupiter, which have full aspects on these places)
All planets aspect 3rd and 10th from themselves with 25% aspects (with an exception of Saturn, which have full aspects on these places)

Important tip: When any 2 or more than 2 planets fall in trine to each other as per the cusp chart, then they should be taken in conjunction as per the Nadi astrology. This is because as per Nadi astrology, planets in 5th and 9th from each other are said to cast 75% aspects on each other. Here Rishi Parashar has a different view, he suggests that all planets cast 50% aspects on trine houses from themselves. This looks or appears contradictory but it’s not. Actually both Nadi astrology and Rishi Parashar are on the same page but expression is different. The question is how? So the answer is, any planet casts 50% aspect on 5th and 9th house from itself but if those 5th or 9th or both houses also have planets placed in them, then since these planets will get involved in casting mutual trine aspects on each other, therefore in such a scenario potency of the aspect increases, therefore this aspect will be taken as 75%.

Rule 4

When all 8 planets (excluding Rahu) occupies the upper part of the CUSP CHART (Krishnamurthy Chart), which consists of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 12th and 11th houses, such that none of these 5 houses should be empty or should have at least 1 planet, PLUS Vimsottari MAHADASHA of Jupiter or Venus falls within 16-40 years of native’s Life time. Then the chart automatically becomes VERY POWERFUL.

Rule 5

No planet should be weak in the chart (even if that planet happens to be lord of 6th or 8th or 12th houses, as each planet represents 100’s of parameters or areas in life and if that planets happens to be weak in the chart, then you are going to face the heat w.r.t those parameters. Like let me take a simple example for you all, MARS represents Energy, Husband (in females chart), Younger brother (2nd), Tooth/teeth, Muscles, Red blood cells, Bone Marrow, Cardiac region, Eyebrow, testicles, spinal cord and bridge of the nose and heart.

Now suppose Mars happen to be the lord of 8th house and its weak in the chart after analyzing all shad bal and non shad bal factors, then if you are thinking that weakening of 8th house will reduce your struggle, then also be prepared to face negative results on account of parameters mentioned above, i.e. issues on account of Energy level, Husband (in females chart), Younger brother (2nd), Tooth/teeth, Muscle, Red blood cells, Bone Marrow, Cardiac region, Eyebrow, testicles, spinal cord and bridge of the nose and heart.

In short, you can have the results of Vipreet Raj yoga (Saral, Harsh, Vimal) etc, WITHOUT reducing the strength of a planet.

Rule 6

GUNA Milan process for marital compatibility, which includes consideration of factors like Dhinam (luck), Ganam (wealth), Mahendram (attachment), Stree deergham (general welfare), Yoni (Sexual), Rashi (Growth of family), rashyadhipati (Food), Vasyam (posterity), Vedhai (Sons), Rajju (Felicity in marriage) etc is ONLY 5% of the overall matchmaking activity.
In other words, NO conclusive decision can be taken just on the basis of considerations mentioned above.
Following comparisons are also HIGHLY ESSENTIAL since they together constitute 95% of the process.
a) Dasha comparison w.r.t general future,
b) Planet to planet comparison,
c) Character comparison,
d) Nature comparison,
e) Divorce or separation possibilities comparison etc,
f) Health factors comparison,
g) Past Relationship and upbringing Comparison

Rule 7

Saturn, Venus and Mercury never get combusted.
Please note: To establish the authenticity of 1 concept or rule (Like I have mentioned above) in the feel of an astrologer, 1000’s of charts should be seen as examples. 1 example ALONE can never completely Justify 1 concept even if seen by a Greatest Astrologer.
In case of Moon, combustion factor gets covered under Paksha Bal estimation. In other words, you need to take Amavasya dosha into consideration. [Here you must note that, moon getting complete Paksha Bal, i.e. 2 Rupa (during full moon and new moon), is twice as powerful as compared to an exalted moon (which gets only 1 Rupa strength)]
Jupiter and Mars does get combust, you can take that within 10 degrees from Sun.

Rule 8

Maturity age of Planets:

Jupiter 16th year
Saturn 36th year
Sun 22nd year
Venus 25th year
Moon 24th year
Mercury 32nd year
Mars 28th year
Rahu 42nd year
Ketu 48th year

Maturity age has nothing to do with Vimsottari Dasha sequence, actually every planet give its complete Karakatva fal at a certain age which I have quoted above. Logic is simple, like for example Saturn represents experience, hence unless the person is appropriately experienced (which is assumed to be suitable enough by the age of 36, by our ancient saints), he will not be able experience positive results of Saturn. From other angle if Saturn Vimsottari dasha falls in the first 20 years of ones life, then even if this Saturn is extraordinarily powerful in the chart, it will NOT give you expected results. Though things can vary from case to case depending on the holistic analysis of the birth chart.

Rule 9

When: 1) Rahu is placed in 3rd or 6th or 10th or 11th houses (Upachaya Sthan) as per the cusp chart (Krishnamurthy chart)
2) Rahu is Occupying Taurus or Gemini or Virgo or Libra or Capricorn or Aquarius signs as per the lagan chart (D-1 Chart)
3) Rahu have NO malefic influences of Saturn, mars, Sun [through aspects {as per the cusp chart (Krishnamurthy chart)} or Trine linkage {as per the cusp chart (Krishnamurthy chart)} or conjunction {as per the lagan chart (D-1 Chart)}] on it.
4) Rahu Is Alone or no planet should even conjunct Rahu [as per the lagan chart (D-1 Chart)], no planet should be in trine to Rahu [as per the cusp chart (Krishnamurthy chart)].
5) Rahu is having benefic aspects of Jupiter or Venus or Mercury as per the cusp chart (Krishnamurthy chart).

If all of the above mentioned 5 conditions gets simultaneously Satisfied in the chart, then Rahu will give extraordinarily GOOD or simply great results in its periods.

Rule 10

Planets placed very close to the ascendant degree, especially few degrees ahead of Ascendant Degree definitely becomes VERY strong and prominent.
This rule can be extended to the starting cusp of all houses.
Points to be noted is, this planet, placed ahead of ascendant degree:
a) Should not conjunct Sun.
b) Should not be retrograde.
c) Should not be under serious malefic influences.
d) Should not get involved into intense planetary war.
e) The Mahadasha of this planet Should come in the life time
f) Should not be in Vridha Avastha.
g) Should be a benefic planet.

Only when these 7 conditions will get satisfied, planet will give its auspicious result, otherwise not. Also refer this article: Features Of GREAT Emperor Birth Chart Or Horoscope

Rule 11

Whenever Rahu is placed close to any planet, it will always create misconceptions, illusions and misunderstanding about the parameters of that planet, like for example Mercury represents intelligence, hence when Rahu is placed with Mercury and something very positive happens in your life, like suppose you won an award, then you will start considering yourself as super intelligent or as if you know everything which would lead to overconfidence. In contrast, during some negative or difficult circumstances of life you may think that you have no intelligence or zero intelligence or you will consider yourself as dumb which would lead to depressive tendencies and as you know both the scenarios would be wrong. So Rahu create illusions, misunderstanding, misconceptions which leads to either Overconfidence or depression and that’s why Rahu’s association with any planet is not desirable.
Also refer these 2 articles:

Rule 12

Tips to Read Cusp or Krishnamurthy Chart:

Lordships of houses and house placement of planets are seen from cusp chart (K.P Chart or Krishnamurthy Chart) and sign occupation of planets is seen from lagan chart (D-1 Chart). Also Remember that cusp chart is very different from chalit chart (hence please do not confuse it from Bhava chalit or Chalit Chart).

Now suppose you wish to analyse the applicability of a Raj yoga and this yoga has 5 conditions:

1 condition needs identification of SIGN OCCUPATION of planets, then this condition has to be seen from LAGAN CHART.

1 condition needs identification of LORDSHIP OF HOUSES, then this condition has to be seen from CUSP CHART.

1 condition needs identification of HOUSE PLACEMENT of planets, then this condition ALSO has to be seen from CUSP CHART or Krishnamurthy Chart.

1 condition needs identification of DEGREE WISE CLOSENESS i.e. Conjunction of planets, then this condition has to be seen from LAGAN CHART.

1 condition needs the consideration of ASPECTS of planets, then this condition ALSO has to be seen from Krishnamurthy Chart or CUSP CHART.