Overall Reading Report

Overall reading of chart or complete GENERAL analysis will be done for the following 6 areas:

  1. Overall Health Concerns supported by Astrological Rules (But will not contain corresponding timelines)
  2. General Wealth Indications (Will contain only Good phases w.r.t wealth w.r.t upcoming 20 years)
  3. General Relationship Scenario supported by Astrological Rules (will comment on smoothness, stability and vitality of marriage life) [including possibility of break or separation (if applicable)] (But will not contain corresponding marriage or divorce timeline and also will not cover any other information about spouse or would be spouse).
  4. General Professional Success (Will contain Suitable professional fields/areas along with Good phases w.r.t Professional success w.r.t upcoming 20 years).
  5. General Raj Yogas supported by Astrological Rules (ruling combinations) Applicable (But will not contain corresponding timelines)
  6. Suitable Remedies.

Price: 7500 (INR) , 161 (USD)


In case, any additional queries have to be asked, charges will be in accordance with Query Based Consultation.

Reach me at om.nikhil.gupta@gmail.com

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