General Professional Analysis

This report will contain answers to following 9 questions:

  1. What suits me well, Job or some independent work/business and if business then please mention the corresponding timeline ?
  2. Please list the most suitable professions/fields for me!
  3. Please list good phases from the angle of finances and professional growth ?
  4. Can my enemies stop or halt my professional growth and if yes, then by when?
  5. Can I succeed in politics at local or national level ?
  6. Do I have fame in my life at national or international level and if yes, then by when?
  7. Can I become a millionaire or billionaire in my life and if yes, then by when ?
  8. Can I become a legendary figure in my profession and if yes, then by when?
  9. Will I experience great respect in my profession and if yes, then by when ?

Price: 4000 (INR) , 90 (USD)


In case, any additional queries have to be asked, charges will be in accordance with Query Based Consultation.

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